Corporate Finance
Trusted Advisors. Proven Entrepreneurs. Practical Solutions.
Consistently succeeding in today’s rapidly evolving business climate requires a genuine understanding of market trends and the factors that animate these trends.
At Rockecharlie & Co., we offer a complete array of corporate financial advisory services for companies of all sizes regardless of their industry segment. Because markets continuously respond to the merits of an organization’s business plan, we conduct a thorough review of our client’s plans and the execution strategies implied in these plans. The process insures that we stay focused on our clients’ unique organizational capabilities, competitive challenges and the resources that are critical to their future growth and development.
We seek the deepest possible understanding of each client’s strategic fit with its markets, competitors and with those businesses that have synergistic markets or operating platforms.
We actively seek opportunities to partner with institutional and corporate clients pursuing contrarian strategies. In the past we have been particularly active in structuring strategic alliances, asset-sales (or acquisitions) and other arrangements for companies operating in out-of-favor industry segments